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Making spritesheet)

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Description: Project Aniforce X (x) PAM - Dorri the Arctic Foster Fox: Nearly made into a God by Hitoro's aid | Weapon Preference: Tridents/Spear like weapons. | Powers: Ice Related, also can cause Explosions to knock back either to himself or others. | then his strongest attacks: Trident Storm, Impaling Torpedoes, Raging Riptide. | Stats: HP: Randomized | Level: 150 (MAX) | Atk: 565 | Def: 400 | Speed 565 | MP: 600. | Sprite made and used by AkaCV219/N0VATIC92_ | Ask for Permission before editing.

CREATOR ID: 5b2f3e
VIEWS: 140
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Can’t believe mobile shows this entire sheet, Dorri small

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