Glow bum

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Description: Project CV: Vincent "Voruso" Silver & Tenebris Irosentius, Two sides of the same coin. Voruso Lore: Vincent Silver was an android built by Akira and Hanako Silver to accompany Synthia, their miscarriage turned cyborg child. despite being younger than Synthia physically, he was built with an Older Brother type of maturity. When the LeerLeeches came and killed Akira and Hanako, they turned Vincent into scraps as well, but not too long later would this fail to stop the guardian brother. Code in the motherboard resulted in his remains being jumpstarted, with the only goal to protect his sister, his solution was to find a vessel for mobility, so he used the Silver Family Prized Taiko Drum, constructing himself a new body, however... his name code was so damaged that he failed to remember his name, ending up naming himself Verse, but the writing system in Ardenvar led to the name being spelled "Voruso." 12 years go on of Voruso searching for his sister, Synthia, he is unaware that she forgot her name and accepted herself by her Codename: "B5." and became a member of the Parasitic Annihilation Legion, the P.A.L, for short. Now as a member of the P.A.L, Voruso would primarily use artillery weapons, given the crest of "C4," just under "B5" in sequence of the main P.A.L units. After many missions, the PAL would locate a strange core, Voruso suddenly had a kick of the protective code kick in and he took it without hesitation, preventing B5 from potentially coming in contact with it, causing him to absorb the core. This transformed his body, the core turned into his very soul, his eyes went from lights to more circular beads, he got a mouth, and not so clunky limbs, becoming a vessel to protect the new world. Tenebris Lore: Not much, as soon as Voruso takes on the Core, his negativity was flushed out, transforming into an evil clone who named himself Tenebris, the two are matched completely in power, but Voruso took matters more passively, allowing for Tenebris and Voruso to be more as brothers, than a Dark and Light side of each other. Voruso is the protagonist of Section 4: Beyond the Skybox, of Project CV's main arc. A Major Character in the Pixel Multiplane Arcs. The Ruler of PAM in PAMTMS. As a Human Girl, Vera Sariel, the protagonist of Project MoRC.
CREATOR ID: | db2e26 |
VIEWS: | 93 |
AGE: | 10 months old |
BASED ON: | Glow bum |