Full Sheet &. Desc Edit.

Full Sheet &. Desc Edit.

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Description: Celeste - a Robot rescued by Null and Hyphens creator | Gender: Female | PAM activation method (Box Form) - switch (as seen on sprite) | Transformation button for the normal form is defective in PAM, will result in a system break and deactivate her as well, unless fixed. | PAM activation method - Button (as seen on sprite) in her stomach | Transformation button is in her stomach panel | Character by CV, Sprite by Anau and CV: DO NOT USE WITHOUT PERMISSION. | Side note: previously was a slave to an unknown person, along with her brother "Xavier"

CREATOR ID: c5f0c3
VIEWS: 204
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Everything else is actually good.

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator