I miss you creepypasta

I miss you creepypasta

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Description: I'm here in my wood home... Alone without your smile... your funny faces so fun, i just miss you your laugh your good compliments making me good every time good times ins't? Now i'm a idiot here alone. The cops found your body... It's was in little pieces... burned and in a rock with so much blood... After this the cops call to me if i know something to this victim they say they found you death tortured like a test animal when i heard this i want to kill myself it's all my fault i leave the home when i say the you "I'm going in a place you stay her ok?" Stupid party now i just want do die just i miss you *The cops find this letter in the side of a identifiable body victimy of suicide* Wow this deep

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 365
AGE: 7 years old

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AI Painting Generator