*picks up chara and throws her in the recycle bin* you said you where from a game. so i deleted it. bye-bye now. *deletes chara along with all there power's and crap they used* easy peasy. SUSSY squeazy-face man thats is definantly not rainbow

*picks up chara and throws her in the recycle bin* you said you where from a game. so i deleted it. bye-bye now. *deletes chara along with all there power's and crap they used* easy peasy. SUSSY squeazy-face man thats is definantly not rainbow

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Description: ATCK:0 DEF:0 HP:0

CREATOR ID: 401102
VIEWS: 292
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: *gives hellfire dragon flametrap meat to improve it's fire

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator