*He runs into Delete on the way. He is so tired that he doesn't even show his eyes anymore. He drinks his 232nd cup of coffee* oh heya uh.....Terror

*He runs into Delete on the way. He is so tired that he doesn't even show his eyes anymore. He drinks his 232nd cup of coffee* oh heya uh.....Terror

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Description: credit to e8cb42 for letting me use his Sans sprite. Here is a link to the original Sans art-->http://pixelartmaker.com/art/8ff61992d8b1b5c Please credit me if you are going to use this Sans. "You shouldn't be in their world" -Spike

CREATOR ID: 7c78a2
VIEWS: 118
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: (fixed)

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator