Spring-Maybe this Terrie?

Spring-Maybe this Terrie?

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Description: Name:Spring Original Name Pre-Transfur:Springrat the goat Gender:Female Gender Pre-Transfur:Male Lv:180 Hp:999,999 Atk:42,069 def:69,420 Speed:66,666 Species:Medusa Latex Species Pre-Transfur:Goat monster Title:Spring the Jester Title Pre-Transfur:Springrat the God of hopes and dreams Age:21 Bio/Past:He was exploring a old lab where he got transfurred into a Medusa Latex and lost his/her memories then she escaped the lab and became a court jester as well as a night guard at a famous pizza place with a gruesome past......... Bio/Past Pre-Transfur:He was born in snowdin in the au known as [REDACTED] after his au was deleted by the creator he survived and became the god of hopes and dreams,after this he travelled the multiverse giving hopes and dreams until one day he ended up in PAM and decided to stay there,he after that then served in a few PAM wars until he went missing after one PAM war..........his current whereabouts are unknown Job/Occupation:Court Jester and Night guard Wage for current jobs:Jester:120$ a hour Night guard:120$ a week Job/Occupation Pre-Transfur:God of hopes and dreams,war veteran,and gamer Wage for past jobs:God of hopes and dreams:0$,War veteran:3000$ a month,and gamer:FUN Place of residence:PAM's Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place of residence Pre-Transfur:PAM anti-Void Relations:Granite/Theron:Friend,Skeld the wolf:Friend, Sprite by:DST Vr Headset sprite by:Skeld Head by:Finx Card symbols by:Springrat PAM friends:Theron,DST,Blew,Lss/Fynn,Jade,Lebryan J.,Drone,Detro,Terrie,Luna,Idiotic Cartoon,BX,Kawaii Cat,Cookie,Demented,Finx,Skeld,Rick,Tim,Timmy(Maybe),Ez,Sy,Plant,and Rozie

CREATOR ID: 970cdd
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: Spring-

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