[ The Radition ] I have birthed a new age of gods. *also getts infinity rads cuz yaaaasssss*

[ The Radition ] I have birthed a new age of gods. *also getts infinity rads cuz yaaaasssss*

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Description: Name: The Radtion Species: A mix of Radiation and Phantom Stats: ATK 105 DEF 0 HP -0 Attacks: Neutron Ray! :fires a ray of compressed Neutrons with can give people 3-5 Degree burns | Nuclear Blast : Blinds the person it is being used on and scorches the near by area! | Posses : Its on the name duh! , When it posses something, the object being possed glows a bright green | Phantom Phase: Allows the user to phase through anything Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqIpaggHcx4 Theme 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgfhjJ-a8iU Note : + Rad doubles his stats and -Rad halfs them

CREATOR ID: 6a27ef
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: [ Troy ] i wonder when someone is gonna notice the fliers for this job ?

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