Its unpinned, so heres my last goodbyes.. To caftar, the one who now hates me, stop living in sadness and start living in the good. To jeroxal, We had some rough times, but i would be glad to call you my friend. To jacob, I love how you keep your work simple and dont brag over it, keep them in line while im gone. And to spike, im sorry im leaving, but it doesn't mean you should cry over it, so please, be there for the others. And to all of you.. Bye.

Its unpinned, so heres my last goodbyes.. To caftar, the one who now hates me, stop living in sadness and start living in the good. To jeroxal, We had some rough times, but i would be glad to call you my friend. To jacob, I love how you keep your work simple and dont brag over it, keep them in line while im gone. And to spike, im sorry im leaving, but it doesn't mean you should cry over it, so please, be there for the others. And to all of you.. Bye.

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Description: Helix

CREATOR ID: 2fbf6b
AGE: 2 years old

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