alrighty then. Here are the questions, and please, if you can, answer the questions in here. The questions are: Does Null have skin, will the lever be sticking out, will she have the jacket from the original version of the sprite, does she have antennae, and, if so, will the electric flair be present?

alrighty then. Here are the questions, and please, if you can, answer the questions in here. The questions are: Does Null have skin, will the lever be sticking out, will she have the jacket from the original version of the sprite, does she have antennae, and, if so, will the electric flair be present?

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Description: [ Credit to grim for the sprite, credit to Anau for the character. Do not use without permission.]

CREATOR ID: a2471d
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: (Save)

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator