1.im still sane(atleast im sure) 2. i like them they have a cool design 3.the last thing astral said was "how could she do this to her own creations."and then gliched out of existance and im suspecting YOU DID IT because you claim to be there creator!

1.im still sane(atleast im sure) 2. i like them they have a cool design 3.the last thing astral said was "how could she do this to her own creations."and then gliched out of existance and im suspecting YOU DID IT because you claim to be there creator!

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Description: Lucas the Demon Prince, Original by Lucas, but Edited by CV - Relationships: PAM!Hyakki - Confusing, either Crush or Sister, depends on which time,Bx(boyfriend),Charlotte(sister),Lucifer(Father) - Nicknames - Simp, Hazbin Hotel Wannabe, Bananahead (By Hyakki) - Age: 159 Years old (By Creator) - Note from CV: See I keep an eye on their details.

CREATOR ID: 490418
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: wait did you create bagel boy aswell?your astrals mother???YOU CURSED HER AND MADE HER GLITCH OUT???

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