TGW HERE (IK I CHANGED MY PROFILE OK SO YOU CAN JUST CALL ME SAL (Solgaeon And Lunabreon) OR S.L.) Uhm it's kinda a small message...

TGW HERE (IK I CHANGED MY PROFILE OK SO YOU CAN JUST CALL ME SAL (Solgaeon And Lunabreon) OR S.L.) Uhm it's kinda a small message...

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Description: ok first I gotta say sorry for not being on lately, I was doing other things. .-. And second I know I used TGW again after changing my profile, as you see in the title you can call me SAL or S.L. for short ok. And second do you want me to continue this pixel art here? Don't worry I'm not forgetting any other pixel arts I'm working on right now (PIXEL ARTS I'M WORKING ON AND IDK IF I HAVE TO MUCH XD: POKEMON MSC, Hex Maniac, Solgaeon & Lunabreon and next would be this if you want me to continue

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 253
AGE: 6 years old

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator