[Whilst exploring the strange tunnels, the exploration was cut short after Bandana Dee had stopped them from continuing, leaving one mystery to be solved, but brung upon possible new ones. Regardless of such, the day would go on just like normal and soon the night would come and go. Once the morning had come around, the day would be set once more. The clouds in the sky would be lingering above and cover the sun, and a colder breeze would blow through. It hadn't been too cold however, so it wasn't an uncomfortable temperature.]

[Whilst exploring the strange tunnels, the exploration was cut short after Bandana Dee had stopped them from continuing, leaving one mystery to be solved, but brung upon possible new ones. Regardless of such, the day would go on just like normal and soon the night would come and go. Once the morning had come around, the day would be set once more. The clouds in the sky would be lingering above and cover the sun, and a colder breeze would blow through. It hadn't been too cold however, so it wasn't an uncomfortable temperature.]

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Description: I never made Froslass yet :( -Sal

CREATOR ID: 777455
AGE: 1 year old
BASED ON: Snorunt Sprite Sheet (Unfinished)

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator