Undertale AUs x Deltarune Rouxls Kaard

Undertale AUs x Deltarune Rouxls Kaard

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Description: I was bored. The normal blue one is normal Deltarune Rouxls Kaard. The red one is obvious: Deltafell Rouxls Kaard, Deltarune x Underfell. The orange one is Deltaswap Rouxls Kaard, Deltarune x Underswap. I tried to make it look like that orange/blue Monster Kid Gaster thing, since I think if there was an AU where Deltarune characters became Undertale characters, Rouxls Kaard would be Gaster. The black one is... idk. I was just bored on that one and I had an extra Rouxls Kaard there. I guess it's Deltarune x X-Tale. That's what it seems like, to me. Or Horrortale. X-Rune sounds interesting. I have an idea for Deltarune x Horrortale AU name, btw: Horrors of the Deltarune. It's interesting. Peace. also idk if his name's actually Rouxls Kaard I think it is...

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 1825
AGE: 5 years old
BASED ON: best boy

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