Lapse: Blue Blaster. Is the color blue, pulls the opponent towards the mouth then either blasts them or keeps them held for as long as it can. Reversal: Red Blaster. Is red, duh- Has an opposite more explosive blast effect, as well as being able to self destruct near target. Idk about Hollow Purple though. But they can be given their own shaping designs with their colors. Like Blue being more vibrant and a large gaping mouth to hold the target. Red being more closed and slightly darker, with a more menacing look. That's all I got.

Lapse: Blue Blaster. Is the color blue, pulls the opponent towards the mouth then either blasts them or keeps them held for as long as it can. Reversal: Red Blaster. Is red, duh- Has an opposite more explosive blast effect, as well as being able to self destruct near target. Idk about Hollow Purple though. But they can be given their own shaping designs with their colors. Like Blue being more vibrant and a large gaping mouth to hold the target. Red being more closed and slightly darker, with a more menacing look. That's all I got.

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Description: Ace Plan: F Nearing the Last Resort

CREATOR ID: cdee67
AGE: 1 year old

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