man, sallets are so cool, they're also basically a 2 part helmet, the 2 parts being the sallet it'self and the gorget, though the gorget can ultimately be used with many other helmets, it was most commonly paired with the sallet.

man, sallets are so cool, they're also basically a 2 part helmet, the 2 parts being the sallet it'self and the gorget, though the gorget can ultimately be used with many other helmets, it was most commonly paired with the sallet.

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Description: Gabriel or Gabe (/\ just the older name I went by) knight puns: good Kinght, knighty knight, up all knight, Are you knightlier than me?, armor coming?, I sword I saw him, I have to shield my eyes it's to blight!, go knight yourself, joust for fun, castle? more like hassle, need a knight-light?, I'm ordering pizza, want a slice?, are you sword about that?,more coming The crusading crew consists of: Gabriel, Jimmy, Geralt, Galahad the medieval rankings: King/queen > Royal lineage > Advisors to the throne > Pope > nobleman > duke > Marquise > count > baron > Knight > squire

CREATOR ID: 3667a8
AGE: 7 months old
BASED ON: "oh, well if you have multiple you could store damn near infinite (or completely infinite) data in a small area, FUCK gtg

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