I love you guys. :)

I love you guys. :)

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Description: Sprite made by:Dst (she gave it to me) Titan:Viper Pilot:Fell Story:Fell and Viper were always great friends and would always get missions done they now have come to Pam to see what awaits them and they can't wait to meet their friends and defeat their foes. Meaning Of Vipers Quotes: "I've got good tone." ("Good tone" in this instance means locking on with missiles.) “Voodoo One, Viper's on station. ... "Tally, engaging Bandit." - ("Tally" refers to sighting a target while "Bandit" is a designation for confirmed hostile aircraft.) "Viper One - Taking cover. Vipers Weapons |Railgun & Barrage of missiles| Vipers Weapons DESC: {Viper is a modified Northstar class titan. His weapon is a railgun and a deadly barrage of lock-on missiles able to take down the shields in one volley. Unlike the normal Northstar titan, he can fly at an exceptional speed and has a much higher firepower.} Vipers allies: Lily the small bean >:3 Dst the commander Canada The Country Bt-7274 (Dst will make him in the future) Fell The Pilot. --------------------------------------------------------

CREATOR ID: e8477a
AGE: 1 year old
BASED ON: Viper on the seen. Ive got your tone.-Fell

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