Jase, I'm legally a fucking adult. It just sucks seeing such a great OC that had potential beyond potential get ruined by everyone who thinks they can do it better, and don't even UNDERSTAND the character. All they know is that he is from that funny rap game. Nothing about his in depth lore over how he was created to be a weapon of mass destruction, and how he actually acts.

Jase, I'm legally a fucking adult. It just sucks seeing such a great OC that had potential beyond potential get ruined by everyone who thinks they can do it better, and don't even UNDERSTAND the character. All they know is that he is from that funny rap game. Nothing about his in depth lore over how he was created to be a weapon of mass destruction, and how he actually acts.

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Description: Soul Seeker (Supreme) From the Calamity Mod. Free to use.

CREATOR ID: 990543
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: I'll finish this later.

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