udjnfbrhejdcbfehjnhdjkcjndjkjcbdjjchdjhcdjsjd zach

udjnfbrhejdcbfehjnhdjkcjndjkjcbdjjchdjhcdjsjd                  zach

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Description: Rainbow the fox --Stats-- HP:1250 Attack:150 Defense:500 --Story-- Rainbow,formerly known as kai was five years old when he was put in foster care after his parents died in a car accident. He was later picked up by the founder's of zalgo.co,Three brothers:Tom,George and the leader,Zal, Now, with there test subject, they started there experiments on january 8th,2005, Rainbow was put to sleep and they injected him with a mix of different substance's and so on. changing his Dna and cells to give him his powers. this went on for a few years until he broke free and used his powers to kill the three, But the three got there conscious transported into whats now known as Zalgo. --Info about me!-- Hi! this is info about me! so uh- Im turning 11 this year my birthdays september 23rd My real name is kai My favourite colour is blue and black And im from the uk!

CREATOR ID: 401102
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: y'know what'd I would love right now? one of those coolng pads you stick on your head to relive headache's.-rbf

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