killerhate sans (stage 4)

killerhate sans (stage 4)

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Description: omg sand underman hates himself and everyone so much that the hate begins to corrupt him each reset. after he oof char he takes their soul. the hate corrupts his entire fac and soul. so he makes a mask and changes his clothes so monsters dont run away from him (not like he cares since they'll die anyways) now he travels the multiverse corrupting aus and killing everyone in them. oh and he has a ghostly papyrus made of the pure hatred sans feels for himself it constantly reminds sand how much everyone hates him and tells sans to keep the mask on because his friends and brother would hate to see him. its almost impossible to get him to stage 1 so hes mostly in stage 2-3. he enjoys to kill al chara's as they remind them of his chara, doesn't matter whether their evil or not. he hates everyone in his au because he can't understand why they can't remember resets. he has the more dt than even frisk/ the player. might change back story bc i made this in 5 mins lol.

CREATOR ID: 923e73
AGE: 1 year old
BASED ON: Sans Sprite

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator