The time that I got shot was a very long time ago yet I have ghost pain cause of it... I couldn't tell if it was a mistake or if it was on purpose but my dad shot me when my mom was gone and threatened me to no tell a soul. Later than day he put me to work making me do all the things that he didn't want to do... doesn't that suck huh?

The time that I got shot was a very long time ago yet I have ghost pain cause of it... I couldn't tell if it was a mistake or if it was on purpose but my dad shot me when my mom was gone and threatened me to no tell a soul. Later than day he put me to work making me do all the things that he didn't want to do... doesn't that suck huh?

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Description: Cursed yet useful

CREATOR ID: ce28af
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: Springrat-Also I think I fixed Seam Theron

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