hey Terrie aer you sure.....ive delt with 13 years ofbeing abused.....i was an accident and my mom told me that....my dad left cuz he didnt want to take care of me....im pretty sure that im the one who deals with the most shit....the only free time i have is at school and on the weekends....so shut the fuck up...

hey Terrie aer you sure.....ive delt with 13 years ofbeing abused.....i was an accident and my mom told me that....my dad left cuz he didnt want to take care of me....im pretty sure that im the one who deals with the most shit....the only free time i have is at school and on the weekends....so shut the fuck up...

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CREATOR ID: cdd866
VIEWS: 145
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: um....you dont have to call me US Kay...you can call me G...and Lost crashed...

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