Anyway... a collection of souls has started in emotional support for Burokku-San. He's an artist here, talked occasionally, and is currently in treatment for cancer. We don't know if he'll make it, but this has started in support of him. If anyone wants to add theirs, the only rule is you can't put your soul above or side-by-side with Burokku's. His is the pink one. Kinda wanna make it look like we're all lifting him up to help him fight this.

Anyway... a collection of souls has started in emotional support for Burokku-San. He's an artist here, talked occasionally, and is currently in treatment for cancer. We don't know if he'll make it, but this has started in support of him. If anyone wants to add theirs, the only rule is you can't put your soul above or side-by-side with Burokku's. His is the pink one. Kinda wanna make it look like we're all lifting him up to help him fight this.

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Description: For Burokku-San. Even if you don't make it, and we're hoping you do, let this remind you how much we all care. Even after the very last, we care. - Your friends on PAM.

CREATOR ID: 90896a
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: [[Terrie, is here...]]

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AI Painting Generator