of course allan,papyrus cant change the fabric of the universe by messingwith his generator

of course allan,papyrus cant change the fabric of the universe by messingwith his generator

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Description: anyways let me explain, basically AG!Swapswap is just underswap but the characters have swapped, that's basically the easy way to explain it, if you want the thing in detail well: 10 YEARS EARLIER BEFORE THE AU SOMEWHERE IN UNDERSWAP, Papyrus was finally doing something important with he's life and is trying to fix the behind he's house, He is finally able to fix it but something goes wrong and the entire underswap universe RESETS ITSELF.......Papyrus later wakes up in what looks like he's room but its on the other side...He also seems to look like he's brother all of a sudden? Papyrus ignores it and tries to continue he's daily life without mentioning any of the new details but it get's harder and harder to ignore the weird changes to the universe...10 YEARS LATER...A kid falls down the mountain (again) and is also confused, he meets temmie which for some reason is now a flower and is very confused and frustrated about what has happened? He later see's the kid and immediatly attacks too bad you can't kill him so guess you gotta wait for asgo-TORIEL?

CREATOR ID: dbe774
VIEWS: 173
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: these images are cursed and the story is a bit deranged

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