the fallen judgement trio. (phase 4)

the fallen judgement trio. (phase 4)

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Description: Story: Just like the trio, the merged form eventually ran out of stamina. His fiery onslaught ended quite soon. The human, just standing there with his(er) knife in hand, swiftly attacks knowing this is the chance. However, this is not enough to take him down. He prepares the last of his strength and calls the help of ☝︎✌︎💧︎❄︎☜︎☼︎ once more. The unknown being rises from behind the exit of the corridor and gives him instructions. Now, he is ready to fight once more.

CREATOR ID: e1f03c
VIEWS: 208
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: the fallen judgement trio. (phase 3)

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