Using a phone on this is very difficult

Using a phone on this is very difficult

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Description: Name:Benny Age:20 Specialty: Mechanics Backstory: Benny woke up in a white room with one camera, he uses the camera to escape the room. Two whit latex monsters try and find him but he succesfuly avoided them, he then finds a control room and scares the latex monster away. Finding out he wasn't the only human in the facility he opens the pod hoping its another human. The human leaves the pod and Benny jumps in joy, but a black goo puddle somehow got in the room and was transfuring him, as he was transfuring a demon was trying to make a deal with him but he refused. He then turned into a Latex creature and freaks out. He runs out of the control room seeing the other human he released, then runs past them looking for the intel room. He finds it and barges in finding his file explaining what happened, then he finds another one explaining the achievements of transfurmation. The demon urges him to take the deal and he gets angry and aggresive throwing the demon out of the way, he runs to the exit gaurded by two white latex monsters and ends up punching both of them. As he walks out to his suprise the world has gone to shit, he looks at an AI that was next to him then the demon comes out and he starts arguing thinking it can't be true. Their body's suddenly teleported to a new spot called PAM city.

CREATOR ID: 8b454d
AGE: 1 year old
BASED ON: save

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