The figure goes into the woods and finds inky there. " I hope they are okay.", they thought. The figure picks them up and puts them in a safe place in the woods, and leaves them there.

The figure goes into the woods and finds inky there. " I hope they are okay.", they thought. The figure picks them up and puts them in a safe place in the woods, and leaves them there.

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Description: Stats| Name: ???| ATK: 9| DEF: 5| AGE: ???| WEAPON: SCYTHE| ARMOUR: RAIN BOOTS| OTHER INFO: UNISEX (they, them)

CREATOR ID: 96c78c
VIEWS: 130
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: They get up and teleport back on the sidewalk and start walking again.

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator