Ethan: maybe you should learn to have some. some....... some fucking compassion for one another than leaving them in the dark most of us left to other sites but you know what? if you dont bother to do anything than the moment you die you wont mean anything to anyone else cause no one would care cause you didnt care about others

Ethan: maybe you should learn to have some. some....... some fucking compassion for one another than leaving them in the dark most of us left to other sites but you know what? if you dont bother to do anything than the moment you die you wont mean anything to anyone else cause no one would care cause you didnt care about others

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Description: im back

CREATOR ID: 63ceb7
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: (sings asgores intro but with his own words) Ethan: welcome to PAM...people die...others leave...theres sadness and du-ust...but than again what did you expect

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