And bitch stop fucking venting about how "OH PAM WAS ALWAYS THIS BAD" you don't know shit about PAM you legit joined when PAM was at it's worst and then you proceeded to fucking knock it down with a baseball bat and shoot it repeatitly until it was dead, i am too mad to fix my spelling.

And bitch stop fucking venting about how "OH PAM WAS ALWAYS THIS BAD" you don't know shit about PAM you legit joined when PAM was at it's worst and then you proceeded to fucking knock it down with a baseball bat and shoot it repeatitly until it was dead, i am too mad to fix my spelling.

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Description: -Allan

CREATOR ID: f0c136
VIEWS: 108
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: "It ain’t about being a coward, It’s about protecting yourself from insults And things people can use against you And basically it’s a bad idea This ain’t elementary You’re in fucking high school."

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