And there you go. You can make the faces on your own if you want. Just ask me if you need help on the faces.

And there you go. You can make the faces on your own if you want. Just ask me if you need help on the faces.

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Description: Tyler(me) is a normal monster who is pretty lazy and lives with girlfriend and he has pretty low self esteem and a short temper but is kind and ready to protect the ones he loves he also is pretty powerful he is LV:20 can use all color magic he absorbed 7 human souls his favorite is chicken nuggets and ketchup his favorite show is pokemon ultra sun and moon his dad is a goat monster while his mom is a skeleton his brother is a skeleton goat his sister is a skeleton his girlfriend is a human as well he also hates being bored he also cooks a secret recipe anyways that Tyler my oc for me if i was an undertale character

CREATOR ID: 59d515
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: Me as a undertale character Tyler

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator