*YOU FOOL.....IVE BEEN HIDING THIS ALL ALONG!! *a giant machine comes out from the middle of the ground*GET READY BECAUSE YOUR LIFE IS ABOUT TO END!!!!!!!!!*the world would start to fall apart*AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-RAINBOW THE DESTORYER OF WORLDS

*YOU FOOL.....IVE BEEN HIDING THIS ALL ALONG!! *a giant machine comes out from the middle of the ground*GET READY BECAUSE YOUR LIFE IS ABOUT TO END!!!!!!!!!*the world would start to fall apart*AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-RAINBOW THE DESTORYER OF WORLDS

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Description: rainbow the fox~soul:rainbow/soul parts:kindess justice integrity paitence bravery determination persaverince kindness fear hate/AU:pixelart!tale

CREATOR ID: 401102
VIEWS: 137
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: *HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*spams millions of fireballs millions of giant chaos busters millions of black holes and other very powerfull stuff*DIE DIE DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!((you cant overpower rainbow when he is in this form he has inf hp and wont die unless you find a way to turn him back to normal wich is very hard to))-RAINBOW THE DESTORYER OF WORLDS

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator