Fell Allan.

Fell Allan.

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Description: HP 1 ATK 100 DEF 200 - Weak, Let's do a favour and end him since he wanted to die anyways... Personality and story: Fell allan is alot more depressed and lives even worst then normal allan, he was abused as a child which is why he has a crack on he's skull, even tho Normal Allan was abused it wasn't that bad but this allan had always been abused...So after finding out how to use a knife he got revenge by KILLING HES PARENTS! This Allan is alot more depressed, alot more agressive and never ever actually smiles...He is unable to do anything and always needs help doing anything and instead of having a gun on him at all times he has a knife and tries he's best to avoid fights unless he is unable to escape a battle, which then the enemy obviously get's destroyed because this allan is alot more stronger and can easily block attacks with he's knife, but this Allan also has alot lower health so a single hit could instantly kill him. (Megalo: https://soundcloud.com/pika_pika_pika_pika/smells-like-bones-a-sides-pikatouch-a-side)

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 156
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: ok i am done with the sprite how do you think?

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