*Appears from behind a tree and seems to be walking in the forest*

*Appears from behind a tree and seems to be walking in the forest*

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Description: (Made by c9142) --> Name: Subject c9142. Height: 14 feet and 7 inches. Weight: 567 pounds. [Notes: Left side of body is always sad while the right side is always happy. The main face is the mixture of all the emotions the two sides give it. It's left arm is missing, the left leg is a little limp and very weak The right side of the belly area is missing and bones stick out. Right arm has immensive strength that can carry a load of weight with ease. It seems to be able to absorb any magical and physical damage. The creature is very slow and it attacks very slow but they can be deadly if it chooses it to be. It is unknown if it can die but it does not feel physical pain. It does react to being attacked when attacked. It has no soul. The creature is mostly friendly unless provoked.] [Known Abilities:Biomass Manipulation, Viral Sonar, Consumptive Growth, Adaptability, and Super strength.]

CREATOR ID: c91422
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Ah, for at last, I have some things to do. *Grabs everyone on me and gently puts them on the ground and walks behind a tree and dissapears*

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