Sonic CD ( Sonic )

Sonic CD ( Sonic )

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Description: If you're strong you can fly , You can reach the other side of the rainbow. Its alright, take a chance , because there is no Circumstance that you can't handle..when you use your mind! Sonic Boom , sonic boom , sonic boom ! ( Trouble Keeps You Running Faster ) Sonic Boom , Sonic Boom , Sonic Boom ! ( Saving the world from disaster ) Sonic Boom , Sonic Booom!! If Your strong you can fly , with the power deep indifr...gotta make it happen..! ( Make it happen! ) Sonic Boom , Sonic Boom , sonic boom! ( Trouble keeps you running faster ! ) Sonic Boom , Snic Boom , sonic boom! ( Saving the world from disaster! ) Sonic Boom , Sonic Boom!

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 509
AGE: 5 years old
BASED ON: Sans Sprite

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator