it is time...-landon

it is time...-landon

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Description: ???

CREATOR ID: ae7706
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Now, hope you know how to swim.. My swag is turnt, how 'bout you. I'm a l33t h4x0r, and you're just a n00b.. (Ayyee...) (aye...) (Myahahe Meyeahaha Myahahooo) (Where did you come from where did you go where did you come from where did you gooo) (Go.) SOMEBODY PLEASE ASK. What? You tired of my sass..? I NEED TO GET MYSELF AWAY FROM THIS PLAAACE You're correct! What a concept! I'm getting tired of you myself, and we could all use head Sppaaaaccce! Whelp! The memes start coming, and they don't stop coming! Can you handle it when I hit the ground punning?You thought you had me, kid, but that ship is sunk. Your mouth is smart, but you're 'bout to get dunked! So much for you, so many memes! I'm gonna fill hell with your damned screams!-landon

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