Yami Batsu Afton {Masked} (Crimzøn)

Yami Batsu Afton {Masked} (Crimzøn)

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Description: Animatron-X / FNAF 6. William Afton´s Eldest Son. He was Built to look like X Afton Two Years after his Death. William Afton does not Talk about how he died. The only Two people who knew how he died are William Afton and Michael Afton. People Call him X because Batsu means X in Japanese. He is Always Learning. More Info About past will come. Height : 6 Feet Age At Death : 19 Age Now : 25 X Afton´s Soul is in this suit. AtkP : ! Skill LvL : Max MP : ??? HP : 1 Million Still In Editing.

CREATOR ID: 7ca111
VIEWS: 128
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Yami Batsu Afton {Masked} (Crimzøn)

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