Posting this here so i don't get bitched at in the RP channel, Anyways, "C-Cmon...Hurry up...I Have to go back to my apartment soon..." -Spit

Posting this here so i don't get bitched at in the RP channel, Anyways, "C-Cmon...Hurry up...I Have to go back to my apartment soon..." -Spit

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Description: -Jase This little dudes name is Spit. His Age is 18. From another planet (Cringe ik) ATK: 12, DEF: 10 HP: 25 Gender: Toaster (JK Female) Favorite Food: Bread Favorite Drink: Sand/Milk He has a lazy eye so don't make fun of him. He has a Brother named Sting. The Little string on his hat is a tracking device implanted by his parents. The suit he wears is laced with gunpower just incase. he has no teeth so he eats stuff with only his Tongue. CurrentlySingle His eyes are missing so he has hollow holes with a tiny white speck in each one. Friends With Dave and Bandu. The hat isn't attached to his head, and he does have hair. Purple skin cause y'know, alien. Anyways, That's all i got, have a good Day/Night!~

CREATOR ID: 8e593b
AGE: 2 years old

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