I've already said that Droplet was Drawcia, so while nobody actually knows that yet, this world ended up being Drawcia's World. The idea behind Drawcia was that she was sealed away long long ago by Hyness and other ancients, she'd escape for a bit only for the events of Canvas Curse to play out and she'd be sealed away once more by Kirby. The idea behind her was that she was an incredibly strong mage that was corrupted, thus the reason for being banished basically. Another idea was that Drawcia was never exactly a painting but an actual living creature, though she created Vividria and Paintra as a sorta family because of her loneliness within her own world. She would end up abandoning them though. Another thing to note was that after Kirby defeated her, she ended up watching over his adventures and found out the history of many of the characters.

I've already said that Droplet was Drawcia, so while nobody actually knows that yet, this world ended up being Drawcia's World. The idea behind Drawcia was that she was sealed away long long ago by Hyness and other ancients, she'd escape for a bit only for the events of Canvas Curse to play out and she'd be sealed away once more by Kirby. The idea behind her was that she was an incredibly strong mage that was corrupted, thus the reason for being banished basically. Another idea was that Drawcia was never exactly a painting but an actual living creature, though she created Vividria and Paintra as a sorta family because of her loneliness within her own world. She would end up abandoning them though. Another thing to note was that after Kirby defeated her, she ended up watching over his adventures and found out the history of many of the characters.

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Description: -Sal

CREATOR ID: 777455
AGE: 1 year old

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