-((wait is using soul attacks allowed cause i thought of a idea for my character where its like omega flowey and i use each sould colour each phase is that allowed? also i have a few attacks from various characters and or aus-six(rainbowfox2011

-((wait is using soul attacks allowed cause i thought of a idea for my character where its like omega flowey and i use each sould colour each phase is that allowed? also i have a few attacks from various characters and or aus-six(rainbowfox2011

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Description: og sprite mad by mawile and og id F7C57

CREATOR ID: 401102
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: *dont worry ill be powerfull but not as in godmod type of powerfull its for the sake of my chhance to be liked on this site also how long will the rp be?-six(rainbowfox2011

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