dust!comic dustbelief (updated) phase 1:malice

dust!comic dustbelief (updated) phase 1:malice

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Description: comic papyrus:heh....i always thought you were going to stop.....i believed in you right up until sans snapped.....it was in self defence really......but now....i can see what you really are now....i had to end everyone elses suffering to get to you....now sans what shall we do with this brat? sans:KiLl ThEm!,comic papyrus:ok sans....nyheheh.....now human....LET ME SHOW YOU WHAT TRUE PAIN FEELS LIKE,NYEHEH.....HAHAHHAHAH!, and thats what my phase 1 dustbelief papyrus would have said if this was a game,thanks for the hard support and have a good day

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 314
AGE: 6 years old
BASED ON: dustbelief!comic papyrus and dustswap! comic papyrus

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