HoRrOr AlLaN...

HoRrOr AlLaN...

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Description: HP 99999 ATK 600 DEF 9000 story and personality: The horror version of the PAM Universe isn't a different alternate universe but infact an alternate timeline, in this alternate timeline all the characters have experienced some kind of situation leading them to go twisted and crazy like you see here....How allan became this is pretty simple, he didn't take he's pills and let the insanity go through him making him turn into this twisted pychopath who could easily destroy the entire multiverse but is too lazy to do it, He wears gloves, [to hide he's creepy hands] longer shirt, longer pants and shoes. (megalo: https://soundcloud.com/sayvenmk2/sfdissensioncovermp3)

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 107
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Well while fell me is trying to stab fell sans i am gonna make a horror version of me

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