Aw shucks, you think my sprite is cute..? That's rare for me to hear. I like your sprite a lot, too.. But yeah dude, have a great time here. There's lotsa great people, (Chris, Boarder, CV, Gunther, and more such as Terrie and Karma) to meet here. I mean, there's also dumb people and mean trolls, but don't mind them. But now i think you're all set for now, so have a great time RolePlaying, Talking, and more! :D

Aw shucks, you think my sprite is cute..? That's rare for me to hear. I like your sprite a lot, too.. But yeah dude, have a great time here. There's lotsa great people, (Chris, Boarder, CV, Gunther, and more such as Terrie and Karma) to meet here. I mean, there's also dumb people and mean trolls, but don't mind them. But now i think you're all set for now, so have a great time RolePlaying, Talking, and more!  :D

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Description: Geo / HP: 100 / ATK: 20 / DMG: 20 / battle theme: / Sprite made by my friend Karma

CREATOR ID: e25ae6
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: *floats around* Is it normal for this kinda stuff to be on here?

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator