Oh... thanks Spring... (Also Azazel is now nearly as strong as King Multiverse)

Oh... thanks Spring... (Also Azazel is now nearly as strong as King Multiverse)

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Description: (Made by c9142, if you wanna see the things I make go here -> http://pixelartmaker.com/gallery/sweet-kawai-cat, if you wanna text into my chat, go here -> http://pixelartmaker.com/gallery/sweetkawaicat ) Bio: Name: Lucy. Species: Dark latex. Height: 4 foot, 8 inches. Age: 10 years old. Personality: She is really shy and very emotional. She is introverted and finds it hard to communicate with others. Her voice is a bit squeaky. She has a slight to heavy speech impediment and isn't very good at speaking. She isn't really that smart compared to most of her age. She gets easily scared from a lot of things. She isn't good around new people. Lore: The father was a strong dominant wolf with a drinking addiction and a mother who was a weak kitty who used to be a lovely lady before meeting this wolf and being forced into a relationship. Later in that relationship Lucy was given birth and not too long after, the father would abuse the mother and Lucy. One day Lucy and her father went to the gas station to fill the car up while going on a trip. Lucy got out of the car to play in the nearby grass patch and stretch her legs out. The father messed up when re-fueling the car with gas, not paying attention and it leaked. The father was smoking a cigarette. He accidently dropped the cigarette and lit the gasoline. The lit gasoline blew up the car, blowing up and killing the father. The authorities picked up Lucy and returned her home to her mother. The mother couldn't support Lucy and pay the bills and they lost everything they had so they lived on the streets. They had to live in an alley where they lived for over two weeks eating out of the trash that was left over. One day, Lucy woke up in the mother’s lap to find out the mother died of starvation. Lucy was shocked and disbelief, she got up and ran to get help but none would listen. She gave up and ran away hurt knowing she was all alone. In that time of running away, she was transfurred into a dark latex creature. She then was taken to a den, an alleyway where a group dark latex creature’s lived. She lived in a box and she was supplied with paper and colored pencils to entertain herself. Lucy and Terrie have already met before and knew each other when Lucy was once sad and opened up to Terrie about her past. Terrie felt very remorseful, Terrie happens to already have a dark latex wife named Rozie. Terrie then had a conversation with Rozie and together decided to adopt Lucy as their own child.

CREATOR ID: f2a751
VIEWS: 136
AGE: 2 years old

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AI Painting Generator