The Judge / Crimzøn

The Judge / Crimzøn

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Description: Soul Color : Hate (Black) HP : 2000 LvL : ??? Atk : 1 - ??? MP : 250 Height : 9 Feet 7 Inches Age : ??? Allies : Depends, Gunther. Enemies : Depends. Occupation : Judge of Death / ??? Undertale Character. As the name implies he is the Final Judge also known as The Judge of Death. His Soul Color is Cracked Hate or Light Gray / Fate. His Name means Death Judgement. His Weapon is the Scythe that is off to the side. The Sword is his Soulless form. Nobody know how he got the Soul of Hate but him.

CREATOR ID: fa970a
VIEWS: 151
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: [[Well then... Rule of thumb... Got a scar? If it happened when he was young if he`s older now... Make it look... Dried up or something... Also... Scars... Don`t just go over top the eye that badly... So in a turn of events... I tried my hand at it... Or well... "Paw"... -Terrie]]

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