[BEHOLD,MY LATEST CREATION:The Room of Dancing Colors(created by:name withheld for legal reasons)

[BEHOLD,MY LATEST CREATION:The Room of Dancing Colors(created by:name withheld for legal reasons)

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Description: This room has walls painted full of different colored and different sized balls (basic color of the walls is white). When at least two PCs enter the room, the door clangs shut and the colors begin to change... slowly at first, then faster and faster. All those who don't cover their eyes must resist or become hypnotized. Those who fail are under your control for a while. How long depends on the amount the roll was failed by. A few rounds should be enough. Note: those who covered their eyes will be surprised if those under your control attack them.

CREATOR ID: ee3083
VIEWS: 109
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: he watches a bit confused

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator