Oh hey, shit! I can actually introduce myself as a creator now! .....If....We weren`t leaving. Shit.

Oh hey, shit! I can actually introduce myself as a creator now! .....If....We weren`t leaving. Shit.

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Description: Pixel face reveal: "Ruby", the creator of Boarderline, Rewind, Bryce, and Lust Keihakukashi. I`d be the owner of Nightmare!Sans and Dream!Sans sprites forever ago (if you ask I'll send a link to the sprite sheets) aswell. It`s been an amazing run roleplaying and making and recreating pixel arts with everybody here. Through trollers and porn spammers to making new friends, it`s been wild. My actual name isn`t Ruby, but it`s what I go by. You guys didn`t know it, but I`ve been writing scripts out of roleplays. You`ve helped me develop and create my characters, helping them go through obstacles. For that...Thank you. Some of you here have issues...But that`s okay. We all have issues. I wish all of you the best of luck going through life, and I hope that maybe someday I`ll talk with you again. But for now....My name will be taken off the members of PAM list. I hope you can carry on, and...The laugh points were my last huzzah. I wanted to win and make everybody laugh and be happy before I went. I hope everybody does well. Thank you all again.

CREATOR ID: 752b4c
VIEWS: 249
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Iiiiiii drew a circle. -BD

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator