Ok so uh the only purple thing on this she-*Kill me, yes mistakes were made.*

Ok so uh the only purple thing on this she-*Kill me, yes mistakes were made.*

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Description: Poke'mon Mystery Dungeon Rp arc(wait arc?) Eclipse-Braxien Plant-Bellsprout Skeld-Raboot Finx and Xfin-Fennekin/Braixen(Level 16)/Delphox(Level 36), Zora/Zoroark(Level 30) Anau-Goodra line Ebag-Dewgong line Luna-Shiny Fennekin Teams Team Inferno:Lexi, Skeld, Eclipse Team Quadra:Finx, Xfin, Anau, Luna Team:Ebag and Plant Boss Pokemon(In order, stats later) Lv1:Rattata Lv???:Zacian(Unbeatable at the time you fight it) Lv12:Machoke Lv20:Heatmor Lv29:Groudon Lv31:Rival teams Lv36:Sandslash(Alolan) Lv80:Primal Groudon Lv???:Virus Groudon(From the Jirachi Movie) - Eclipse Sprite/editing by Eclipse! Big Harley sprite by Dst(Thanks dude)

CREATOR ID: 97ede9
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: Neat, also I wanna ask Ateo some stuff but they are afk, but maybe its better, the sprite isnt done yet so I cant really ask-also looks great Lss

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