Kiiinda felt bad not giving you a proper goodbye. You're a good guy, Anau. Good pal. I hope our paths cross again at some point. Even unknowingly. I still play a Hat In Time, and whenever I do, I think of you. I was never the sentimental type. I'm sure you knew that. But you were a really good friend, you made more of an impact than you thought, Sorry that we were... sorta split. Was never my intention. I'm really trying to... close the book on this place. Give myself a sense of closure. Cuz if I don't I'll keep on coming back. And none of us 90 year old Karma around here. Anyhow, I'll cut this short. I'll miss you, pal. Until we meet again, aye?

Kiiinda felt bad not giving you a proper goodbye. You're a good guy, Anau. Good pal. I hope our paths cross again at some point. Even unknowingly. I still play a Hat In Time, and whenever I do, I think of you. I was never the sentimental type. I'm sure you knew that. But you were a really good friend, you made more of an impact than you thought, Sorry that we were... sorta split. Was never my intention. I'm really trying to... close the book on this place. Give myself a sense of closure. Cuz if I don't I'll keep on coming back. And none of us 90 year old Karma around here. Anyhow, I'll cut this short. I'll miss you, pal. Until we meet again, aye?

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Description: ~Karma / Credit to owner of the fellswap paps that I edited

CREATOR ID: e019fa
AGE: 1 year old
BASED ON: I'm gonna go take a nap. I'm legit boutta pass out. Happy Newyears, PAM. Cya in 2022. Ta-ta.

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