Fuck. Mon dieu.....

Fuck. Mon dieu.....

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CREATOR ID: 1c8e2d
AGE: 3 months old
BASED ON: Life is an eternal tragedy. A curse bestowed upon the unknowing, the unwilling, and the unobliged. Is it our responsibility as the living to not forsake the doings of the dead? Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. But regardless of what there isn't, there remains what is, and there to be. You have a choice. Given possibly your only chance at life, you have THE choice to live YOUR life. Even if the world rips you apart, at the end of the corridor of life can you tell yourself that you lived a life you didn't regret? That even till the very end you didn't waver in the face of peril? It's not others that dictate your worth. It is your sole responsibility as you, to forge your own meaning.

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