“Hmm?” they say. “Why has not anyone told you about your voices splendor before?” I say slowly. “Oh, um” they answer “Well, I mean, I guess there was no one there to tell me so.” “Really?” I say. “Yes.” they meekly respond. “Well that is just not right.” I say with a huff, furrowing my eyebrows. “Why not?” they ask. I sit up and clasp my hands between my knees with a clink. “Everyone deserves for someone else to show them the beauty they cannot see for themselves.” I remark. “Oh.” they whisper.

“Hmm?” they say.  “Why has not anyone told you about your voices splendor before?” I say slowly.  “Oh, um” they answer “Well, I mean, I guess there was no one there to tell me so.”  “Really?” I say.  “Yes.” they meekly respond.  “Well that is just not right.” I say with a huff, furrowing my eyebrows.  “Why not?” they ask.  I sit up and clasp my hands between my knees with a clink. “Everyone deserves for someone else to show them the beauty they cannot see for themselves.” I remark.  “Oh.” they whisper.

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CREATOR ID: c5d194
AGE: 10 months old
BASED ON: ...Its really well made though, Luna. It looks good

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